07 September 2012

(Not) Weekly Roundup

Here it is: the (not) weekly roundup of links to stories and news for writers. If you find a story online that you think other writers in the group might like, be sure to send it to me (kathlyon at gmail dot com).

The Craft

Ira Glass (This American Life) shares the secret to closing the gap between the stories you want to tell and the words on the page.

Joe Bunting digs into the question of showing instead of telling emotions.

Indie Options
Sarah LaPolla, an associate agent at Curtis Brown, wants to offer aspiring authors a venue to share their work on her blog, Glass Cases. Submissions can be short stories, excerpts from novels, or essays. The word count cannot be more than 1500. Note that submissions to Glass Cases are not queries to Curtis Brown. (If you want her to represent you, then you have to go through Curtis Brown.)

Calling itself a "curated imprint," She Writes Press is offering a hybrid model—part self-publishing, part traditional publishing. As with all self-publishing ventures, the author takes on the publisher's traditional financial risk by investing in editing, design, and marketing. The traditional part is what makes this new venture exciting. Rather than leaving new authors to puzzle through the process on their own, She Writes Press offers the kinds of editorial and design support (as well distribution) that traditional publishers do, with the same goal in mind: to create the best possible book. The press is accepting submissions for its pilot program. Find out more here.


Susan J. Morris shares the do's and don'ts of working with an editor, while Lucy Ferriss discusses the author–copy editor relationship with editor Carol Saller in a two-part post. (Part I, Part II)


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